Lifestyle Design with Koya Webb

The Magic of Surrender with Kute Blackson

Episode Summary

Joining Koya Webb for the second time in this episode of the Get Loved Up Podcast is Kute Blackson. Let’s hear from Kute how things have changed with the recent challenges and how he transforms them to opportunities that expand life from so many different directions and dimensions. He also talks about the release of his newly published masterpiece - The Magic of Surrender.

Episode Notes

Kute Blackson is the Founder and CEO of The Blackson Group who is a charismatic visionary and transformational teacher that offers a fresh, bold look at spiritual awareness for a whole generation. This is why he is widely considered as the next generation leader in the field of personal development by personalities like Larry King, Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson and more. He wrote the Bestselling - You. Are. The. One., a life-changing book that teaches everything one needs to know to reclaim their power and find their purpose to create the life they want. He also hosts his own podcast, SOULTALK - a thought-provoking, life-inspiring, and soul igniting show that tackles what really matters in life through a deep exploration into life’s biggest questions: who we are, why we are here, and where we are going?

Having been featured on National Television shows and other media like Larry King Now, Fox and Friends, Dr. Drew and Inc magazine, Kute is dubbed as “The Mindfulness Guru Billionaire Go-To for Advice.” For over 20 years, he’s been inspiring audiences from around the world. His journey started when he spoke to over 3,000 people at 8 then reached out to a whole lot more when he spoke in over 300 venues at 18. Until finally, it all came down to helping organizations develop authentic leadership and achieve extraordinary performance over the last decade. 

Most famous for his intensive transformative experiences in Bali and India, Kute has also spearheaded countless events around the world such as Awesomeness-Fest, YPO (Young Presidents' Organization), and EO (Entrepreneurs' Organization). Apart from being the youngest member to have ever been voted into a select group of 100 of the world's foremost authorities in the personal development industry - The Transformational Leadership Council, he also won the 2019 Unity New Thought Walden Award. 

Kute Blackson was born in Ghana, West Africa with a multicultural upbringing as a child of a Japanese mother and a Ghanaian father. Coming from a unique lineage, his approach to life was founded by breaking down barriers and unlocking an individual’s true gifts and greatness. 

Kute has recently completed and released his second book - The Magic of Surrender: Finding the Courage to Let Go and is available at for purchase with a whole bunch of free materials like videos and meditations. 

Find out more and reach out to Kute Blackson through the following links: 


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